Technology in Our Classroom

Classroom Technology Rules


Computer Rules

  1. Be sure your hands are clean.
  2. Do not eat or drink near the computer.
  3. Ask permission before going to a website.
  4. Handle Equipment with care.
  5. Log out when finished.
  6. Be quiet and respectful to those around you.
  7. Raise your hand if you need help.


When Using the SmartBoard

  • Have the teacher's permission
  • Make sure your hands are clean 
  • Only use SmartBoard pens
  • Take turns with your group


No Cell Phones During School

Equitable Digital Access

During math and reading stations students have the opportunity to work on computers or IPad for fifteen to twenty minutes a day. IPad can be used to take Accelerated Reading quizzes and to scan QR codes during work station. If needed the Media Center has a classroom set of Chrome books that can be checked out by the teacher to do whole class activities.
